Validity and reliability in research methodology
Validity and reliability in research methodology

validity and reliability in research methodology validity and reliability in research methodology validity and reliability in research methodology

The second edition will stay true to this mission but will also attempt to be more student friendly and will be offered in a paperback edition. The original mission of the handbook was to bring together leading scholars to write about research methods in social work. It will also contain more on meta analysis, designs to evaluate treatment and will provide more support to help students harness the power of the Internet. These changes in the field will be reflected and updated in the second edition of the handbook. In the field of social work, qualitative research is starting to gain more prominence as are mixed methods and various issues regarding race, ethnicity and gender. In addition, Bruce Thyer is the editor of the journal Research in Social Work Practice and expressed interest in updating the book along with the other two candidates. The Handbook of Social Work Research Methods represents an area that we have several other publications coming out and a market we actively reach.

Validity and reliability in research methodology